Students in grades 10-12 are encouraged to take part in demonstrations, attend a planetarium show and use the centre's exhibits for exploratory learning.
The Energy Discovery Centre strongly recommends that secondary school students take part in lightning and static electricity demonstrations, attend a planetarium show and visit the permanent exhibitions “The Story of Electricity” and “Sound and Light”, which cover classical physics topics. Independent discovery can be better structured with worksheets, ideas for which can be found here
The permanent exhibition is complemented by a guided tour “One hundred years of the power station”, which tells the story of the station and the generation of electricity, built more than one hundred years ago. This is accompanied by an introduction to the Discovery Centre’s contemporary and important exhibits. The tour lasts half an hour.
Please make sure to book your class visit and, if necessary, the demonstrations can be arranged at a time to suit your group. For a pupil coming to the Discovery Centre with a class, a ticket to the Centre costs €7, plus a ticket for the workshop or performance of your choice. Participation in the demonstrations is included in the price of the centre ticket.
To book a group visit, click “Book a visit!” button. Once we have received your completed enquiry form, you will be contacted directly by the Discovery Centre administrators to finalise the details of your visit and confirm your booking. If you have any questions, we suggest you send an email to info@energiakeskus.ee or call 5331 7307 (Mon-Fri 10am–5pm). We are happy to advise you on how to organise a group visit.